What's On

Galette de Rois - 2025
Join AFSA for a slice of Galette de Rois and the opportunity to mix and mingle with others from the local Francophone and Francophile community.
Fête de Noël 2024
Alliance Francaise de San Antonio invites you to attend its annual Fête de Noël - this year at Bistr09..jpg)
Beaujolais Nouveau 2024
Join the Alliance Française de San Antonio from 5:30-7:30pm for a bit of charcuterie and a chance to taste this year's Beaujolais Nouveau.RSVP is required. Event to be held at a private residence. Address will be emailed to attendees.

Club de Lecture - Decembre 2024
Une fois par mois, le troisième samedi, le club de lecture se retrouve à 10h pour discuter d’un livre.
Club de Lecture - Novembre 2024
Une fois par mois, le troisième samedi, le club de lecture se retrouve à 10h pour discuter d’un livre.
Club de Conversation - Decembre 2024
Meet with Juliette, your host, and other French speakers for group conversation entirely in French!WHEN: 10am-12pm Every fourth Saturday of the month
WHERE: Cody Library
❖ The aim of this group is to converse in French on a wide variety of subjects, to get to know one another, and to learn from each other
❖ If you’re a native French speaker, you’re welcome to come speak French with other native speakers and with French learners
❖ If you’re learning French, and you’re able to carry a conversation in French, you’re welcome to come and practice with native speakers and other French learners (B2 level or above, not suited for beginners).
❖ If you have books in French you wish to swap with other members of this group, you’re welcome to bring them to the meeting

Club de Conversation - Novembre 2024
Meet with Juliette, your host, and other French speakers for group conversation entirely in French!WHEN: 10am-12pm Every fourth Saturday of the month
WHERE: Cody Library
❖ The aim of this group is to converse in French on a wide variety of subjects, to get to know one another, and to learn from each other
❖ If you’re a native French speaker, you’re welcome to come speak French with other native speakers and with French learners
❖ If you’re learning French, and you’re able to carry a conversation in French, you’re welcome to come and practice with native speakers and other French learners (B2 level or above, not suited for beginners).
❖ If you have books in French you wish to swap with other members of this group, you’re welcome to bring them to the meeting

August 2024 McNay Art Museum Visit
Join us for a guided tour of French Art at the McNay Museum on Thursday, August 22nd at 5:30pm. Afterwards we will meet at La Fogata at 1133 Austin Hwy for $5 Margaritas and other cocktails or food for purchase. Please RSVP by Sunday, August 18th if you plan to attend.
2024 Summer Reading - August
Summer Reading 2024
2024 Summer Reading
Summer Reading 2024
Summer Reading 2024
Summer Reading Returns! During the summer, AFSA hosts open book discussions. Titles and discussions are in English. Discussions are held at Sweet Paris Creperie & Cafe, 15900 La Cantera Pkwy Suite 19160, San Antonio, TX 78256. No charge to participate. All are welcome (whether you make it to the last pages of the book, or not)...Come enjoy the discussion and delicious atmosphere!
Club de Lecture - Juillet 2024
Une fois par mois, le troisième samedi, le club de lecture se retrouve à 10h pour discuter d’un livre.Sweet Paris à La Cantera, 15900 La Cantera Pkwy Suite 19160, San Antonio, TX 78256.

Club de Lecture - Août 2024
Une fois par mois, le troisième samedi, le club de lecture se retrouve à 10h pour discuter d’un livre.Sweet Paris à La Cantera, 15900 La Cantera Pkwy Suite 19160, San Antonio, TX 78256.

Club de Conversation Francophone - Août 2024
Meet with Juliette, your host, and other French speakers for group conversation entirely in French!
Club de Conversation Francophone - Juillet 2024
Meet with Juliette, your host, and other French speakers for group conversation entirely in French!.jpg)
From Rosa to the Rose - the story of the Queen of Flowers
AFSA is offering an afternoon master-class via Zoom lead by a French perfume expert, Anastasia Sokolow.
Galette des Rois 2024
Celebrate the season of Mardi Gras with AFSA and galette des rois. Galette des rois is a cake traditionally shared at Epiphany. It celebrates the arrival of the Three Wise Men in Bethlehem. Composed of a puff pastry cake, with a small charm, the fève, hidden inside...
Fête de Noël 2023
Alliance Française de San Antonio T’invite à une Fête de Noël Mardi 19 Décembre 18h30 – 20h30.jpg)
Beaujolais Nouveau 2023
Join the Alliance Francaise de San Antonio from 5:30-7:30pm for a bit of charcuterie and a chance to taste this year's Beaujolais Nouveau. Normally wine is aged for years but “Beaujolais Nouveau” is a young red wine from the Beaujolais region of France. Wine is pressed just 3 days after fermentation resulting in a fruity flavor and light tannins.
French Film Series: Fall 2023 October
The Alliance Française de San Antonio has partnered with Trinity University’s Department of Modern Languages and Literatures to screen "Les Yeux sans visage” from Georges Franju (1960). There will be light refreshments available before the film starts at 6:30pm. Also in attendence will be Dr. Katie Troyer to introduce the film. Special thanks to Professor Maxence Leconte!
Reception for French filmmaker: Raphaël Millet
Raphaël Millet is a French filmmaker and resident artist of Villa-Albertine who aims to rediscover the films of French filmmaker, Gaston Méliès, who started the Star Film Company in San Antonio, TX. Join us for an evening of this rediscovery and a reception in his honor.
French Film Series - Fall 2023 September
The Alliance Française de San Antonio has partnered with Trinity University’s Department of Modern Languages and Literatures to screen “La Pirogue” from Moussa Touré (2012). There will be light refreshments availale before the film starts at 6:30pm. Also in attendence will be Dr. Anene Ejikeme, Trinity’s prominent African Studies expert, who will offer remarks.
McNay Visit 7 Sept 2023
Join the Alliance Française de San Antonio for a docent-led tour of French artists at the McNay!Afterwards, feel free to join us at Bar Mon Ami (4901 Broadway) for a drink. The bar manager has an agreement with Mon’s Thai Bistro next door so that you can order food from them through the bar. This will be pay-as-you-go.

Summer Reading: September 2023
Summer Reading Returns in 2023! AFSA hosts an open book discussion the last Wednesday of these summer months (June/July/August/September).
Summer Reading: August 2023
Summer Reading Returns in 2023! AFSA hosts an open book discussion the last Wednesday of these summer months (June/July/August/September).-Mastering-the-Art-of-French-Living.jpg)
Summer Reading: July 2023
Summer Reading Returns in 2023! AFSA hosts an open book discussion the last Wednesday of these summer months (June/July/August/September).