Jean-Yves Ferrer, a French sommelier and member of the Board of Directors of the Alliance Française de San Antonio, will present some great Cabernet Sauvignon wines for members and non-members of the Alliance.
If you have never been to The Boerne Wine Company (www.boernewinecompany.com) you owe it to yourself (and your significant other). It’s a beautiful place and a great destination.
Jean-Yves will be serving the following wines:
Saturday, May 25th, 2-4PM
The Boerne Wine Company – 302 South Main Street, Boerne TX 78006
The cost is $20 for members and $30 for non-members, and seating is limited to 20. Reservations are required and will be taken on a first-come, first-serve basis. To reserve your place, please send your check to Alliance Française of San Antonio, PO Box 790064, SATX 78279, or register online:
Become a member of Alliance Française de San Antonio for exclusive offers, member events, discounts and more.