Learn to make Cake Salé Aux Olives, Jambon et Fromage on April 7, 2022

Learn to make Cake Salé Aux Olives, Jambon et Fromage on April 7, 2022

Date Published: Apr 02 '22

Professor Isabelle Hall, UTSA Department of Modern Languages will guide attendees through an online cooking demonstration in French and English. Follow along at home with step-by-step instruction to prepare this traditional French dish: a savory cake loaf filled with olives, ham, and cheese.

When: Thursday, April 7th

Time: 6:00-7:00pm

Location: online through Zoom (link to participate)

Shopping List:

  • farine (flour)
  • levure chimique (baking powder)
  • oeuf (an egg)
  • sel (salt)
  • poivre (pepper)
  • huile d’olive (olive oil)
  • lait (milk)
  • gruyère râpé (shredded gruyere cheese)
  • olives vertes (green olives)
  • jambon (ham)*
  • un  moule à gâteau /moule à pain (Nonstick loaf pan) 

*Tip: choose the nice ham sold in thick slices for a better taste.

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